“For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness,
and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the
righteousness of God.”—Romans 10:3
Our idea of righteousness and God’s
idea are dramatically different; we could say they are polar opposites. Without Christ our right standing with God is
impossible. Isaiah, the prophet, wrote
that “…our righteousnesses are like
filthy rags…” (Isaiah 64:6). The prophet
was talking about self-righteousness—those things that people do to try to make
themselves right with God. While self-righteousness
may look good to people on the outside, it can not and will never appease sin.
God’s righteousness that Paul speaks
about in Romans 10:3 is the righteousness of who God is, in thought, word and
deed. It is the righteousness that God
ascribes to. The way that He thinks,
acts and speaks.
The Church has allowed the use of
many excuses to infiltrate its character which has produced a weak and
ineffective witness to the world. The Scriptures instructs the Church what the
works of the flesh include in Galatians 5:19-21. Among those listed are adultery, hatred,
lewdness, fornication, uncleanness, and jealousy, to name a few. However, the excuse that I hear most often by
a born-again believer is, “The Holy Spirit was telling me not to do it, but I guess
I just allowed my flesh to rule over me.
God knows I’m sorry, so it’s alright if I slip into sin once in awhile.” Can you see what a slippery slope this line
of thinking will lead a person into?
Yes, God does forgive us when we sin, and restores us back into right
relationship with Him. However, we are
expected to grow and develop spiritually so that when the flesh with its
passions and desires rise up within us, we are able to crucify it. In other words, we are to “put to death” the
evil desires of our flesh.” When we tell
the flesh “no,” we are submitting ourselves to God’s righteousness.
The only way for the Church to
remain strong and effective is to submit to God’s righteousness. Study
His Word: Pray His Word: Say His Word.
Choose to confess your own unrighteousness to the Father. He will cleanse you and restore you to right
fellowship with Him. Through the communion
of His Word and His Spirit, you will discover truths that will help you to grow
strong in His RIGHTEOUSNESS.
I submit myself to You. I ask you to
forgive me when I have established my own self-righteousness. I ask that Your righteousness be established
in my life, in Jesus Name. Amen.