“Therefore I exhort first of all that
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made of all men.”—I
Timothy 2:1
The Holy Spirit has ignited the
fire in people’s hearts to pray. Prayer
groups are springing up everywhere. I am
encouraged that people are gathering in small groups and through the internet to
pray for the great awakening. My prayer is that the Church does not fall
back into the traditional fleshly prayers that are of little effect.
During the early 1980’s, people’s
hearts were turned toward prayer.
Intercessory Prayer Groups sprung up within Charismatic groups
world-wide. Teaching on spiritual
war-fare became a hot topic in the ensuing years. The swords of the spirit was banished about,
the louder you were the more anointed you must be so the hotter the prayer was,
demonic spirits were the vanquished foe; or, so we thought. What the Church did not realize was that the
works of the flesh were in operation most of the time, and very little was Holy
Spirit led prayer.
Intercessory Prayer is not about
the prayer list, how loud or quite someone prayers, or how many demons are
bound or loosed. Intercessory Prayer is about Jesus.
Jesus said, “Come to Me, all
you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon
you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find
rest for your soul. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew
11:28-30). Intercessory Prayer is about yielding to Jesus so that He can work
through you. Intercessory Prayer is
much more effective when we yield to the Lord, it is much easier, much less
effort is required, and much more is accomplished, in a shorter amount of time.
Let me ask you a question. Who is the intercessor? You? Me?
No, it's Jesus. "He is the great high priest…and He is
ever living to make intercession for us" (Hebrews 4). So it is He
who is the intercessor. Scripture tells us that, "God looked for a man to stand in the gap" and that HE
FOUND ONE (Isaiah 59:16). His name is Jesus.
Everything that goes to God must
be initiated BY God. It's Jesus by His Spirit that works through you as you
yield to Him in your praying and interceding.
You make yourself available and His Spirit will move on you, in you and
through you. When it's Him it's not hard. The anointing comes on you and you
may weep over China, or Korea. As He moves on you, you may declare some things,
you may speak scriptures, you might speak in tongues, you may dance, you may
sing, or you may laugh. BUT IT LIFTS
because it's not you, it's Him.
Religious Spirits can turn Intercessory
Prayer into false burdens that allow the spirit of battle to operate instead of
the Holy Spirit. The false burdens makes
it feel like it is all up-to-you—Your Responsibility to fight every foe. Jesus has won the battle! IT IS
FINISHED! Yield to the Holy Spirit. You
personally can not change anyone or make anyone do anything. It is only the work of the Holy Spirit in the
lives of people and governments that can bring about a change. Jesus didn't run around Jerusalem, or Galilee
or Bethany trying to meet every need. He did what the Father told Him to do, no
more and no less. And as a by-product,
there were miracles and deliverances that were awesome and God got the glory.
Remember, God never anoints what
you do; He anoints what He does. It
is yielding to the Holy Spirit as He moves through you.
today I yield to the Spirit of Truth who teaches me and guides me into all
truth. Lord show me if I have had a false religious spirit of battle instead of
Your true spirit of prayer. Today I
repent of any false burdens and false responsibilities in prayer. May
the truth of your intercessory heart beat within me as I yield myself to You to
pray, supplicate, make intercessions, and give thanks for all people, in Jesus
Name. Amen.