“…Let us cross over to the other
side.”—Mark 4:35
For many years, time after time I
made New Year’s resolutions; but, by the end of February or earlier they were
abandoned, for one reason or another. Have
you ever started forward on a project, but it seemed like it was stalled and
not going forward? Have you ever felt
left behind while others are moving forward?
Does it seem like you have been stuck in a rut and you can not move
forward? It could be job advancement,
family matters, relationships, projects, or any number of things. I think that most people have had something
in their life that did not look like any progress was being made, and it was
not long before whatever it was, got abandoned for one reason or another. We stopped pursuing the dream, and it ended up
in the junk heap of all those other things in our lives that have never got
accomplished. Consciously or
unconsciously, it became just another thing that added to our sense of self-doubt.
The following is an example of a
project that seemed to be moving forward, but then something happened to make
it appear that all hope was lost and the disciples would die. One evening, Jesus and his disciples used a small
boat to cross over a large lake. While
they were crossing over to the other side, it had gotten dark and a storm came
up. The blowing wind caused the waves to
crash into the boat filling it up with water; however, Jesus remained
asleep. The disciples became frighten
and woke up Jesus saying, “Teacher, do
You not care that we are perishing?” Jesus got up and rebuked the wind, and told
the sea, to be at peace and to be still.
He then turned to his disciples and said, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (Mark 4:35-40).
Let’s look at a few things that will
help us in our CROSSING OVER. First, the
disciples began to look at the winds and the waves through the lens of their past
experiences. Several of the
disciples had been fishermen by trade.
They had experienced windstorms and knew that boats did get overturned
and lives lost as a result of the storm.
Psychologists have studied what
causes a person to have movement—why they do things. They have determined that words, pictures and
emotions cause people to have a movement.
Recollections of subconscious thoughts cause you to have a reaction in
the present. For example, seeing a
picture brings up recollection and causes the emotions associated with it. The disciples responded to the picture they
were seeing: the windstorm and waves were associated with fear and loss of
Secondly, when Jesus asked them the questions,
“Why are you so fearful? How is it that
you have no faith?” He was not
condemning them. He wanted them to take
responsibility for their actions (no excuses), and to reflect as to why they
were responding like they did. Jesus is
teaching us that we must ask questions of ourselves so that we can get to the
root of our behaviors. He never
Thirdly, Christ’s love reverses our mind-sets and emotions with past
experiences, and erases the self-doubt so that we can cross over to our new
beginning when we respond in faith.
I thank you that Christ’s love is eternal.
I repent for old mind-sets that keep me tied to past experiences and
thought patterns of self-doubt. With your help I will cross over to Your new
beginnings for me, in Jesus Name. Amen.