“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.”—Psalm 139:14
When God looked at all the world that He had made, He declared that if was good.  Making man—male and female—in His image was the crowning achievement of His creative work (Genesis 1:27).  Psalm 139 reminds us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”   
The Lord has given each of His children great potential for service in His kingdom.  However, some people have serious doubts that this is true.  Comparing ourselves to other people causes serious doubts to come to our minds; furthermore, we think that we are lacking in certain areas or in things.   There are times that we repeatedly criticize ourselves for mistakes that we have made.  The enemy brings doubts, fears and frustrations to our minds, and when we come into agreement with his schemes we perpetuates his diabolic plan to hold us captive.  Several years ago, I was acquainted with a young mother of a five month old baby.   She committed suicide because she kept comparing herself to other mothers, and did not think that she measured up. Although she had many advantages in life, she still did not see herself as a good mother and wife, or what she could become.
Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s household and appeared to have many advantages.  He killed an Egyptian and fled the country.  He no longer saw himself as a leader and fled the country.  However, God looked beyond what Moses had done and saw who he could become. 

Before being saved, the apostle Paul passionately opposed those who believe in Jesus.  Yet through God’s mercy and grace, he became a mighty leader and authored more of the New Testament books than any other apostle. 
The apostle Peter was a simple fisherman who denied that he knew Jesus three times.  And still, the Lord chose him to become the leader of the Jerusalem church, and through him came the revelation that the Gentiles could be saved.

Our Father sees beyond our human frailties to the potential we have in Christ.  Because we were made in His image and His Spirit dwells in us, we have a greater capacity for spiritual transformation and service than we can imagine.  God’s ways are higher than ours and His plans for us are for good and not for evil.  He never compares us to anyone else.  He declares that each person that He has created is unique and has special ingredients that the world needs.  Every time the enemy brings the thoughts of comparison to you, cast those thoughts down and declare that you are special and are created for a unique purpose.
Prayer—Father I thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Thank you for Your plans and purposes for my life.  I ask you to forgive me for the times that I have compared myself to others, and please help me to see that I am special just the way that you created me to be, in Jesus Name. Amen.