“Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”—
I Corinthians 14:1

The spiritual gift of Prophecy is a supernatural inspired utterance in a known tongue.  It edifies, exhorts, or comforts, but it does not foretell or see the future.  The spiritual gift of Prophecy comes as the Spirit wills and brings a great blessing to the Body of Christ and is for their profit.  Entire congregations can hear a prophecy, or it can be directed toward an individual.

The spiritual gift of Prophecy is manifested when God supernaturally makes Himself known to the spirit of man.  Prophecy is used by God to bring a message to you, or the body of Christ in a known language to build up, to edify and to comfort.  Zacharias’ prophecy about the coming and mission of Christ on the earth is recorded in Luke 1:67 – 79, and  is an example of comfort, edification, and exhortation.
Prayer—Lord, I thank you that you chose to speak to me through your spiritual gift of Prophecy, in Jesus Name. Amen.