“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant; for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit.” –I Corinthians 12:1, 8

God speaks to you through the spiritual gift of Word of Knowledge when He wants to give you information that you have not had prior access to, or have been aware of by natural means.  He wants you to know the condition of something right then, but like all of His gifts you have to be open to receive. God only reveals a portion of His knowledge because He is a God of faith.  He expects you to move in faith believing Him for the victory.

The king of the Syrians had declared war on the king of Israel in the days of Elisha.  God would give Elisha a Word of Knowledge to tell the king of Israel where the enemy army was going to camp that night.  The king listened to Elisha and sent a man to spy on the enemy army, and sure enough, the enemy had camped where Elisha had told him.  As you read this account in II Kings chapter 8, you’ll see that the Word of Knowledge even revealed to Elisha what the enemy king was saying in his own camp.  Notice that the Word of Knowledge did not make Israel’s king do anything; however, he was discerning enough to know that if God was giving the information that he should act in faith upon what he had heard.
Prayer—Thank you God for speaking to me through the spiritual gift of the Word of Knowledge, in Jesus Name. Amen.