“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant; for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit.” –I Corinthians 12:1, 8

All of the spiritual gifts of God are important and are given by God.  Each gift of the Spirit has its place in helping the body of Christ; one gift cannot take or replace the place of another gift. Each gift has its own distinct purpose of helping you; in fact, the scripture says that the gifts are for your profit (I Corinthians 12:1- 12).

The Word of Wisdom is a supernatural imparting of God’s understanding, insight and   direction for an individual or circumstance.  Through the spiritual gift of the Word of Wisdom, God gives a portion of His ability to deal with a specific situation. His Wisdom can save you from making mistakes. 

Noah receive the Word of Wisdom from God in detail how to build and ark; also, God told Noah that it was going to rain (Genesis 6: 11 – 15).  It had not rained in over 100 years, but God told Noah a future event, and how to save himself, his family and preserve the animals. 

The Word of Wisdom tells you what is going to happen to you in the future; moreover, it will tell you what God’s will is for you.
Prayer—Lord, I believe that you are speaking to me about future events and what your will is for me is in the future.  I receive by faith all that you have for me, in Jesus Name. Amen.