“…Jesus of Nazareth, a Man, attested by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs which God did through Him in your midst as you yourselves also know-.” –Acts 2:22

God has always used Signs and Wonders to communicate with people: in fact, the Apostle John saw a sign in heaven while he was recording the Revelation of Christ (the Revelation of Jesus Christ: 15).   A Sign and a Wonder is the power of God’s intervention in the natural realm that occurs beyond a person’s natural comprehension.  God’s signs and wonders are hard for a person to believe.  Perhaps you have heard of the expression, “unless you would have been there; you wouldn’t have believed it,” that’s what is meant to express that it is hard for a person to believe a Sign and Wonder unless they see one. 
It is a Sign and a Wonder every time Jesus appears to someone after He has risen from the dead (I Corinthians 15:5 – 8).  Dr. T. L. Osborn attests to the fact that people in his large out door crusades have seen Jesus appear to them.  In fact, a similitude of Jesus was captured on film in one of his crusades in Indonesia.  The appearance of Jesus to people is not the only Sign and Wonder that has been recorded.  The dead have been raised, the sick healed, limbs restored, and the list goes on….you can add your own Signs and Wonders to the list.  I have personally seen bodily limbs grow out, the lame walk, the dead brought back to life, just to name a few of the Signs and Wonders that I have heard God speak to me through.

You should be aware that God may choose to speak to you through a supernatural and direct sign; however, it is best not to focus in seeking a Sign or Wonder, but to focus on God Himself and strengthening you relationship with Him.
Prayer—Lord, help me to be aware that you are speaking to me through your Signs and Wonders, in Jesus Name. Amen.