Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”—Hebrews 13:8
Some time ago, I met a friend from high school who said to me, “You have not changed a bit!”  While I appreciated the compliment, I could not help but laugh to myself thinking how could I not change?  It has been over forty years since I graduated from high-school.  Even though I feel young at heart, we all grow older.  Whether from inside or outside forces, we change.
I am reminded of a young man that I ministered to one time.  He had just been released from prison and was very concerned that he would go back to his old life-style of drugs and robbery.  He wanted desperately to change his habits, but his old friends were drawing on him to go back into the culture that he so desperately wanted to be free from.  We were able to connect, “James,” (not his real name), with a half-way house for men who were coming out of prison that was Christ-Centered.  James needed to be away from old influences to radically change.  He is making tremendous progress and is enthusiastic about taking some Bible Training Courses. 
Our world is constantly changing; however, we can thank God for our faith, the opportunity to worship a God who is ever present to lead, guide, and fill us daily with love.  Yet most of all we thank God for Jesus Christ our Savior, who remains the same.  Who is ever faithful to all those who call upon His name.
Today whatever you need, call upon His name.  He is the same healer, the same deliverer, the same giver of life and He loves you and wants to help you.
Prayer—Heavenly Father, thank You for your presence at all times in my life.  Thank you for your guidance and unending love and for eternal life.  I call upon You today to help me with __________________, in Jesus Name.  Amen.