let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works." –Hebrews
Not long ago, a young child with a
physical disability was brought forward for prayer during one of our services. The little boy was not able to walk
immediately after prayer, but latter in the week he was able to walk for the
first time in his life. No matter what
age people are, I have often marveled how God chooses to heal and restore
people. I have often thought how God
uses challenges in our lives to strengthen our determination.
When the Apostle Paul went to Europe
to preach the gospel, he faced a challenge in his life that caused him to deal
with a situation. He determined to see a
woman set free from demonic influence.
Acts 16:16-18 gives the account. “Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that
a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought
her masters much profit by fortune-telling.
This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, ‘These men are
the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.’ And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to
the spirit, ‘I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of
her.’ And he came out that very hour.”
Although what this woman said was
probably true, the purpose of Satan in it was to discredit the message of the
apostles by making the people think they were in league with demon spirits who
were making this announcement through a demon possessed medium. The people would conclude that they were
doing miracles by the devil and so disregard the gospel. When the demon was cast out in the name of
Jesus it proved that they were of God and mot of demons.
Notice that this situation went on for many days. Paul, Luke and Timothy’s determination to preach the gospel did not lessen as they were
faced with this challenge day-after-day.
Paul saw the purpose of Satan, so he turned to the demon spirit, not the
girl, and commanded it to come out of her (v. 18). And it did!
Whatever challenges you may be
facing today, allow your determination to be bolstered that you will come out
victorious. Even though Paul, Luke and
Timothy were put into prison, remember God sent an earthquake to deliver
them. He may not send an earthquake, but
He will deliver you.
I have noticed that in our spiritual
development that God seems to use each obstacle that we face to help prepare us
for the next stage of our spiritual journey.
Thank God for the development
and enjoy the journey!
Father I thank You that You are developing me and causing me to grow and not to
remain stagnate. I choose to determine
to be strengthened by You today in the inner man, so that I can comprehend with
all the saints what is the breadth, length, depth, and height of your love, in
Jesus Name. Amen.