“And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and the two fish He divided among them all.”—Mark 6:41
When Jesus was faced with an impossible task of feeding five thousand men with a small amount of food, He did not look at the natural forces of impossibility.  By looking up, He looked beyond the natural into the spiritual capability of His Father. 
The word mundane means of this world.  God the Father is a Spirit and has the answers to problems that are not of this world.  There is a spiritual answer to every physical problem that you face.  The answer is just as real as the seemingly natural impossibility, and God’s supply is infinitely greater than any impossibility.  With God all things are possible. 
Remember, you are seating with Christ in Heavenly places far above principalities, might and dominions.  When confronted with seemingly impossible situation, look up, regain your sight, and by faith begin to declare that your spiritual Father will take care of every situation in your life. 
Prayer—Father thank You that I do not have to settle for the mundane in my life.  Today I choose to look up and see that You want the best for me.  Thank you for your best in my life, in Jesus Name. Amen.