“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His Name.”—Hebrews 13:15
There are times, in the busyness of life that we simply do not stop long enough to pause and thank our Creator for the countless blessings He has given to us.  Other “things” take the priority over our expressing gratitude to the One who made us.  But when we do, our spirits revive, our strength is renewed, and our hope is inspired.  Psalm 107:1-2 is an expression of thanksgiving.  Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever.  Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.” 
We express praise and thanksgiving to the Creator because He is good.  He bestows everything on us, and He deserves our gratitude.  
God is good because….
He loves you.
He gave you breath.
He redeemed you.
He gives you the capacity to know Him.
He gives you the desire to trust Him.
He does not remember your transgressions.
He takes piety upon your needs.
He considers the poor.
He fulfills every promise.
He is trustworthy.
He is dependable.
He is always present.
He never leaves you.
He forgives us.
He receives us into eternity.
Your reasons for expresses your love of praise and thanksgiving to God can be never ending, and I pray that they will never be.  Let praise and thanksgiving become a regular part of your routine.  Allow your spirit to be revived, your strength renewed, and your hope inspired, as you offer up to Him, the fruit of your lips giving praise. 
Prayer—Father I thank you for bestowing your life of goodness and blessing upon my life.  Today I recommitment my time to include thanksgiving and praise to You for what You have done, in Jesus Name. Amen.