“You are My witnesses,” says the Lord, “And My servant whom I have chosen, That you may know and believe Me, And understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me.”—Isaiah 43:10
Knowing God’s ways is the same as knowing God, and it is one step deeper than knowing “about” God.  God is not separate from what He does.  Everything He does speaks of Him.  His every action declares His name and nature.  This means that we can look at our circumstances, both good and bad, expect to see a deeper meaning within them.  If our minds are closed, clouded, cluttered or committed makes the difference in how we understand Him.
A closed mind is not an exclusive description of an unbeliever.  When Christians listen passively, without intending to apply what they hear, then the seed can not germinate because the soil’s surface is too hard.  Such believers will remain shallow in their understanding of God until they decide to pay attention to God and obey.
A clouded mind will hear God’s Word and get excited, but the person does not take the time necessary to study, grow roots, and let the truth sink into his or her heart.  With little doctrinal foundation or knowledge of God’s promises, the individual has difficulty withstanding the problems that arise in life.
A cluttered mind is one that is filled with the worries of life.  Their hearts are filled with briers, thorns, and thickets.  A preoccupied main has little or no room for God’s word to sprout and to thrive; therefore, little understanding of God is possible.
A committed mind is one much like fertile soil. The most intellectual person in the world, if not teachable, will miss the truth of the gospel, whereas even a young child who is willing to listen and learn will be transformed in their understanding and thinking of God.

Why is it important to understand God and His ways?  Life is all about God and His ways.  As we begin to understand why He does what He does.  We begin to understand His heart, and as this occurs, we find ourselves experiencing the “life more abundant” that Jesus talks about.
An excellent way for us to become more knowledgeable and familiar with God’s mind and heart is to meditate the scriptures as we read the Word of God. I often read the Scripture as it would apply towards me—that is, I pray His Word and put myself in it.  This makes it much more personal to me and it gives me a clearer picture of what God is doing:
You are gracious and full of compassion toward me.
You are slow to anger and great in mercy toward me.
You are good to me.
Your tender mercies are over me.
You have redeemed me from the enemy’s hand.
You deliver me out of my distresses.
Declarations such as these have a powerful impart on our ability to know God as He is—to understand His ways.
Father—I ask You to help me understand more about You and Your ways.  I purpose in my heart to have a committed mind and to experience life in abundance with You, in Jesus Name.  Amen.