“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”—Philippians 4:8
It is not possible to get rid of negative thoughts by rebuking them or praying and fasting.  Unwanted thoughts must be placed with new ones.  What makes it possible for us to take charge of our thinking is that although human beings can think only one thought at a time, we are able to switch thoughts so rapidly that it seems as though we are thinking many things at once. Every thought is accompanied by an emotion - at any given moment we can have either a positive or a negative thought in mind, but we cannot have both together.
Try this:  Picture an apple in your mind, see yourself taking a bite out of the apple.  See yourself taking another bite.  Rebuke the thoughts of eating.  Do not think of apples. Refuse to think of apples.  Are you still thinking about apples?  Of course you are!  Trying not to think about something only cause you to think about it more.  Any effort to resist negative or sinful thoughts actually strengthens their hold on you. 
The cumulative effect of many little negative thoughts, each seemingly insignificant, is what does the damage.   The following is an example of some types of negative thoughts. 
I never have enough money – I do no have enough money to give in the offering and go out with my friends after church; I will only put a little in the offering the Lord knows I want too
I feel sick – My mother had kidney problems and I guess I do too – The flu is going around, I hope I do not get sick
I might as well not even try – nobody likes me – nothing I ever do comes out right anyway
I will no go - I would not enjoy it - I will not like it –
I wonder why they are being nice to me - If I try this, I wonder why she invited me?
I will mess it up - I can not do it – I am so unattractive –
We are usually totally unaware of the fact that our thoughts are so negative - evil. Thought by thought, we build up a destructive pattern of thinking. Negative thoughts are like an insidious and slow-growing cancer, creeping up on us without our knowledge or awareness.  If we indulge in this type of thinking day after day and week after week, it is no wonder that we feel less than happy and confident. We are feeding our anxieties with our negative thoughts, which is why we can end up depressed and in the same mental and emotional rut.  Each seemingly unimportant thought has an effect and contributes to our overall habit of thinking about ourselves.
Replace evil thoughts with positive thoughts.
Make a conscious effort to feed positive messages to your mind.  Just as your body responds positively to correct feeding, so your mind responds to being fed constructively.  Everyone knows the long-term results of overindulging in a diet without nutritional value, yet many people feed themselves a diet of negative, self-defeating thoughts for years then wonder why they tend to feel anxious, depressed, inadequate or unsuccessful.  It makes sense that we can only be what we think we are.  Proverbs 12:25 says, “Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.” 
You are largely in control of what you think. You alone have the power to decide what you will or will not accept and feed into your mind.  The first thing you must do is believe that you can change the way you are thinking and, through that, the way you are feeling.  The Word of God gives us hope and encouragement for every situation that we face in life.  Feed on the Word of God use it as your source for positive thoughts for yourself and others.  Use the Scriptural resources that we have available on our website or use someone else’s.  The important thing is to do what you can and God will do the rest.  He will work with you, He will help you.
When you begin to think positive thoughts certain things begin to happen. You will feel more confident and you will find that you start to handle stressful situations better. You will develop a more optimistic outlook on life and begin to enjoy it more. You will become more cheerful and find it easier to motivate yourself.
Things you previously thought were beyond you will seem more within your reach as you believe that you can succeed.  Life will look better and you will feel better about yourself because the old negative evil thoughts no longer have control over your emotions.
Remember to monitor—check what you are thinking and to kill negative evil thoughts as soon as they arise by replacing them with positive ones.  For example, if you catch yourself thinking, I do not feel well, I must be coming down with something.  Replace that thought with a positive scriptural one, “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness.” 
Above all, do not blame or get annoyed with yourself for having negative thoughts. Blaming and feeling annoyed with yourself does not help to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.  It makes you dwell on the negative thoughts and helps to make you feel bad.  At the very least, it leads to self-pity.
Prayer—Father I repent and ask You to forgive me for thinking evil thoughts—discouraging thoughts about myself and others.  Lord, I ask You to help me replace every negative evil thought that does not represent how You think about me, others or any situation, in Jesus Name. Amen.