“Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, ‘See you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”—John 5:14

Jesus said that sin causes the tragedies of our lives.  He asks us to live holy lives because if we give in to sin, we yield ourselves to Satan, the author of sin.  Yielding to sin, is yielding to a person—Satan.  God does not impute sin to believers, but the devil does. “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin” (Romans 4:8).  Therefore, our actions either release the power of Satan or the power of God, in us. 

Although God is not imputing our sins unto us, we cannot afford the folly of sin because it allows Satan to have access to us.  When we sin, we give the devil an opportunity to produce death in our lives.  The way to stop this is to confess the sin.  God is faithful and just to release forgiveness and wipe out our sin in our flesh (1 John 1:9).  The blood of Jesus continually removes the effects of sin. 

Our sins do not make us sinners any more than the righteous acts of unbelievers make them righteous before God.  Sin is a deadly thing that even Christians should avoid at all costs, but whether or not we sin does not determine our standing with God.  Born-again believers are in Christ.  They are not “in” the flesh even though they may choose to walk “after” the flesh from time-to-time.

When we choose to live a holy sanctified life, we are closing the door so that Satan does not have an opportunity to bring tragedies in our lives.  The Scriptures tells us that we are sanctified and that we are in the process of being sanctified.  In our process of becoming, when we do sin and ask God for forgiveness we then have a legal right to demand that Satan forfeit any claim over our lives.  Stand your ground against the enemy and you will soon see that he must take up his weapons and flee.
Prayer—Father thank You that you are perfecting those things that concern me, and I ask that the Holy Spirit would shine Your light upon me and quicken me in any area of my life that is not sanctified by You, in Jesus Name. Amen.