“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will
also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will
your Father forgive your trespasses.”—Matthew 6:14-15
Some people, before they became a
Christian, experienced a past that they are not proud of. Many of us have experienced disappointments
in life, failures of some kind, and have experienced things that we did not
intend to have happen. God wants us to
live in the today of our lives. Not in
the past. He is a Now God. Hebrews 11:1 tells
us that faith is now, and 2
Corinthians 6:2 says, “…Now is the day of
salvation…” It is important to
understand that your past does not have to hinder you from moving forward with
God. God wants you to know that you can
move beyond your past, and that there is nothing too hard or too big, for Him
to handle. The key is that you must give
it to Him and be willing to change so that you can move forward.
In John chapter 8 a woman caught in adultery
has an encounter that changed her life so that she could move forward. In those days, the Jewish law said that
anyone caught in the act of adultery would be stoned to death. The religious leaders tested Jesus by throwing
her down at His feet and asking what He thought that they should do with
her. Speaking in wisdom, Jesus said, “Let him who is without sin cast the first
stone” (John 8:7). No one threw a
single stone! Jesus turned to the woman
asked her where are the ones that were accusing you? She replied that there were none. Then Jesus said the most amazing thing, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no
more” (John 8:11). In that instant,
Jesus gave her forgiveness and freedom from her past—and an instruction of how
to live her life from that moment on.
She could move forward—no longer caught in the past; her new day had come!
For you to live in your new day,
it is important to understand that the past—is past. As long as you are living in the past, or
tied to it by lack of repentance and unforgiveness you can not really move
forward. You are unable to focus on the unlimited
good things that God has for you today, if you are tied to the past.
The good news is that there is
nothing in our past that we can not give to God. He is willing to forgive it all, if we truly
want to be forgiven and to live according to His ways. “If you
confess your sin, He [the Lord] is faithful and just to forgive you of your sin,
and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Through the blood of Jesus, shed for
you and me on the Cross, we have forgiveness of our sins and mistakes. When we honestly admit we have done wrong,
repent to God for it, make things right, and change how we act in the future we
are honoring the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
When you realized that you have made
a mistake, the first step to take is sincerely go to God and make it
right. He will abundantly pardon and help
you to avoid trouble in the future when you are willing to listen to Him and
allow Him to direct your path. There are
times that you need to ask forgiveness from those you may have offended. Sometimes this means going to them
personally, and it that is not possible, God knows your heart. It can be hard to humble yourself to the
people that you have hurt; however, sometimes this can be a powerful step to
take, if you want to move beyond the past, and move forward into your New day.
You can not control how others will respond, but you can make your heart
and your actions right. One of the
greatest truths to learn is to forgive yourself and to forgive your regrets. We think we should have done better, and we
hold our mistakes against ourselves. Often
it is pride that holds you to the past.
No one is every going to get life
perfect all of the time because there is only one Person who is perfect and sinless—Jesus. When we do sin, we repent and He forgive
us. We are then able to move
forward. He is not holding anything
against us!
I want to give You my past. Everything
that is hurting and broken in me because of past mistakes, sins, and failures I
give it all to You now. Please forgive
me, and set me free from anything that would hold me back. Help me to move forward in You, starting
right now, with a clean slate, in Jesus Name. Amen.