“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”—Hebrews 12:1

Not every disciple of Jesus witnessed all of the events of Jesus’ ministry on earth including His death, resurrection and ascension; but, each had a part to tell.  The body of Christ has many parts; each part has a function and is important.  God still speaks to the world today through human voices.  Every person’s voice is valuable.  You are valuable.  Your words are important.  Your voice is important.  Do not ever allow anyone to tell you that you do not count, or what you do or say is insignificant. Christ paid the ultimate price for you; He values you and thinks that you are significant.  Jesus never holds your past against you.  In fact Jeremiah 31:34 says, “…For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”  Jesus cast seven demons out of a woman by the name of Mary Magdalene who then became a witness for Jesus.

 Women witnessed a large share of the miracles that Jesus had done.  They heard His teaching, and were able to repeat them including His claim to be the Messiah.  Further study of the Scriptures, reveals that it is the women who gave testimony to the events connected with the crucifixion.  It is through their words and some of John’s that we have the written record.  All that we know through the recorded word about the earthquake, the appearance of an angel, of the rolling away of the great stone, and of the announcement that “He is risen” are from the testimony of the two women who each was named Mary.  Jesus entrusted to these two women the facts that would forever change the world.

When you use your voice to be a witness you can be assured that the Holy Spirit will work with you to confirm the word.  Katherine Bushnell wrote, “Those who are His chosen witnesses will always have the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to enforce the truth of all that is said upon the hearts of those will to receive it.”
Prayer—Father I purpose in my heart to be a witness for you.  Father help me to lay aside anything that would hinder my witness, and with Your help I will go where You show me to go, do what You show me to do, and say what You tell me to say, in Jesus Name. Amen.