“Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”—John 15:4

What do you read every day to nourish and feed your mind?  What do you avoid reading because it would not uplift you, or it would corrupt your mind?  What television programs do you watch because they are helpful, and what television programs do you not watch because they do not uplift you?  You decide how to nourish and feed your mind by choosing what you read or watch.  Likewise, you decide how to protect your mind by not reading or watching certain things.   

What feeds and uplifts your mind most of all?  The Word of God does.  The Word of God is to your spirit as bread is to your body.  You must feed upon the bread to be nourished; likewise, you must feed upon the Word of God to be nourished.  My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings, do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:20 – 22.

Testimonies help to remind us how precious the Word of God is; lest we forget.

 In 1962 the Romanian government released religious and political prisoners.  One of them, Richard Wurmbrand, had spent nearly three years in solitary confinement, of his fourteen years in prison.  Richard Wurmbrand describes in his book, In God’s Underground, how one day a new prisoner name Avram arrived in the prison.  The upper part of his body was in a plaster cast.  When the guards left him he drew out a small tattered book from behind the plaster cast.  None of the other prisoners had seen a book for years.  They asked him what the book was.  It was the Gospel of John.  Wurmbrand wrote that he took the book in his hand and no life-saving drug could have been more precious to him.  From that day, the tattered little book went from hand-to-hand. And many learned it by heart and each day they would discuss it among themselves. 

It is important to feed upon the Word of God daily.  Some ways to receive nourishment from the Word of God are, by being a part of a local church body, by reading the Bible and prayer.  I have heard the Bible described as a love letter sent by God to his people so that they can know the heart of God.  Read and listen to God’s love letter to you every day.  The Word of God brings healing, faith and inspiration so that you can deal successfully with life’s problems.  “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”—Psalm 119:105.
Prayer—Father I thank you for your Word to Me.  Help me not to lose sight of how precious your Word is.  Lord your Word to me is life.  I take your life into my spirit by faith every time I hear your Word, in Jesus Name. Amen.