“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritual discerned.”—I Corinthians 2:14

To receive the “things” of the Spirit a person must have a regenerated spirit.  The person must be “born again;” a “new creation.”  To receive the “things” of the Spirit of God you must be living under the control of the Holy Spirit.  For the Christian to receive the “things” of the Spirit, he/she must not try to discern Spiritual matters with the “natural man.” 

The meaning of "natural man," as used in I Corinthians 2:14 are those individuals who are governed and influenced by the natural instincts; those who are under the influence of the senses. The “natural man” tries to understand with natural human reasoning the things that are of God; however, the “natural man” cannot because of using carnal wisdom.  The “natural man” does not "embrace" or "comprehend" the things of the Spirit of God.  The “natural man” rejects the things of the Spirit of God as irrational thinking; wisdom is not perceived, and thus they are despised. The “natural man” loves other things better.  For example, a man of intemperance does not receive the arguments for temperance; a man of licentiousness, the arguments for chastity; a liar, the arguments for truth.

The “things” of the Spirit of God are those doctrines which are inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the things which pertain to His influence on the heart and life of mankind. The “things” of the Spirit of God are all the things which the Holy Spirit produces.  The “spiritual individual” is living under the control of the Holy Spirit and minds the things of the Spirit (Romans 8:1-13; Galatians 5:16-26).  The “spiritual individual” has the mind of Christ and discerns (perceives) and esteems spiritual things above the carnal.  The “spiritual individual” examines, convinces, and reproves the things that are not of the Spirit of God.   The “spiritual individual” can understand Spiritual truths for the Holy Spirit has revealed them.                                     
Prayer—Lord, thank you the “things of the Spirit” help me to discern (perceive) and understand them so that I can know you better, in Jesus Name. Amen.