“Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, ‘If You are willing, you can make me clean.’  Then Jesus moved with compassion, stretched out His hand touched him, and said to him, ‘I am willing; be cleansed.”—Mark 1: 40 -41
Dr. T. L. Osborn related a most unusual story about a man who attended one of their crusades in Asia.  Thousands of people attended the outdoor crusade.  In the great sea of people, a leprous man stood and heard the preaching and received the prayer for healing.  After the crusade, he walked for many miles back to his mountainous village where he had a home among the other lepers.  On the way back to his village, the man was cured of his leprosy and he began to witness to the fellow lepers and pray for them.  Many years passed before Dr. T. L. heard about the miracle of this man’s healing.  When he returned for another crusade, the cured man came upon the stage and told the testimony of his healing.   He told how he had witnessed and prayed for the lepers in the area of Asia where he lived until there were no more leper colonies, and that several churches had started as a result of his ministry. 
You may be fortunate to live in an area of the world where leprosy is no longer seen as a threat to one’s health.  However, everywhere in the world there are diseases of various kinds; the list would be endless if we tried to name them all.  You may be suffering from an affliction, or may know someone who is.  No matter where in the world you may live, or what the affliction may be, the Word of God is still the same.
While Jesus walked the face of the earth He ministered healing to every part of the human body.  He cast out devils, healed the sick, forgave sins, and restored wholeness to those tormented by Satan.  Jesus healed people because of His compassion.  “The Lord is gracious and full of compassion…” (Psalm 145:8).   Christ Jesus is still the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  If He was willing to heal the leper yesterday, He is willing to heal the leper, or whatever affliction it may be, today.
Prayer—Lord, I thank you that you are willing to heal today.  I ask you to heal ______________ (your affliction, or someone you know affliction).  Thank you, I receive it by faith today as done, in Jesus Name. Amen.