“And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.”—John 1:16
After a missions conference, a group of pastor’s and I went to eat at a restaurant.  The atmosphere was inviting, the food delicious, but what I remembered the most was the service we received.  Before we placed our orders, the server brought all of us a glass of water.   After we had ordered from the menu, the server was constantly by our sides replenishing whatever we drank.  Whether it was water, tea, or coffee, not one person’s glass or cup was ever more than one-fourth empty, because the server continually refilled our drinks. 
This event reminded me of the time Jesus came to the city of Samaria.   He was tired and thirsty from His journey, so he sat down by a water well.  Because Jesus did not have anything to draw from the well, He asked a Samaritan woman to give Him a drink of water.  She was astonished that a Jewish man would talk to her because it was against their customs and traditions.  Jesus replied to her and said, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.’”  He went on to tell the woman that whoever drank of the well water would be thirsty again, but whoever would drink of the water that He gives “would never be thirsty again, and that the water would spring up to be a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:5 – 26).   Jesus is the well of life we come to Him and drink freely.  Not just one time, but over and over again, as much as we want, we can be filled.  Do you need a refill today?  Come to Jesus, tell Him what it is that you need and He will fill you up.
Prayer—Father, I come to you today asking you to replenish me, strengthen me and fill me with your fullness, in Jesus Name. Amen.