“If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;”—Isaiah 1:19
God’s provision for us is not always where we would expect to find it.  Such was the case with Elijah the Prophet, a man of whom the Bible says was subject to like passions as we are (James 5:17).  Elijah had told Ahab that because of his wickedness no rain would fall on the land.  Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah and warned him to hide.  So Elijah was obedient, and went to live by the brook Cherith where God commanded the ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat morning and evening.  This was miraculous provision during a terrible time (I Kings 17). 
Later, the brook dried up, and Elijah became despondent and wanted to die.  However, the Lord spoke to Elijah telling him to go to the village of Zarephath.  Although sever drought conditions prevailed over all the land, the Lord said to Elijah, “See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you” (I Kings 17: 8).  It is important to note that God did not send provision where Elijah was.  My boys played football, and one thing that I learned is that a quarterback does not throw the football to where the receiver is, but where the receiver is going.  God’s miracle for Elijah was not where he was but, rather where the Lord was sending him. 
We must be flexible when God changes the place and method of our provision.  If we are not seeing God’s provision where we are, then it is time to evaluate ourselves and see if we are in that place of obedience, or if an adjustment needs to be made.  God chose to use a widow woman with a son to provide for Elijah.  Although they did not have much to share, she used the last of her provision to cook a meal for the prophet.  Miraculously, “the barrel of meal was not used up, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord” (I Kings 17: 8 -16).  After a while, the widow’s son died.  Then the power of God enabled Elijah to revive the child.  Elijah and the widow received provision because they were obedient. 
Take courage today, knowing that your heavenly Father know what you have need of, and that He will sustain you, perhaps in unexpected ways.
Prayer—Heavenly Father I thank you for your provision in my life, in Jesus Name.  Amen.