“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”—Proverbs 3:5 – 6
People have needs.  Some needs seem bigger than others.  The sons of the prophets who were taught by Elisha, the prophet had a need.  The building that they were living in had become too small, so they asked Elisha if they could build a bigger building.  Elisha told them that they could.  During the cutting down of trees to be used for the construction of the building, an iron ax head flew off of the handle of the ax and fell into the river Jordan.  The man using the ax head was very upset because the ax head was borrowed.  Instead of blaming the person from whom he had borrowed the ax head, he was greatly troubled because he could not return what he had borrowed in good condition.  Today we should take a lesson from this incident, and be careful of that which we borrow.  Because we must love our neighbor as ourselves, we should take care of what we borrow just-as-if it was our own so that it does not receive any damage.
The man was so upset by loosing the ax head that he cried out for Elisha.  He told Elisha what had happened.  Instead of blaming the man, the prophet, Elisha, cut off a stick and threw it in the river Jordan.  The iron ax head floated to the surface and Elisha told the man to pick it up; he did (2 Kings 6: 1 – 7). 
In this modern era, there is a plethora of technology to choose from to give directions in nearly every aspect of life.  However, technology can not give you Spirit-led direction in your life.  The Scriptures tell you that it is God who gives direction for your life, and that there is nothing too hard for Him. The same God who made the heavens and the earth made you.  He wants to meet your every need and give direction in your life.  All that Christ provided for you is only available to you through your faith.  Just as the student of the prophet Elisha cried out to him with his need, you can cry out to your heavenly Father and tell Him your need expecting (using your faith) good results.  His Spirit will lead and guide you in the right direction.
Prayer—Heavenly Father, thank you that I can trust you to give me direction in every area of my life, in Jesus Name. Amen.