“By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  And not only so, but we glory in tribulation also; knowing that tribulation worketh  patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope.”—Romans 5:2 – 4

Family get-togethers are a time of saying, “remember when…”  Stories are told and retold about certain events that have happened in the lives of the family members.  It can be a wonderful time of reminiscing and a recalling of events and experiences.

As a teenager, David had experiences in his life that he recalled that helped him to defeat an enemy of Israel.  When the Philistines gathered their armies together to fight Israel it happened that David’s brothers were soldiers in Israel’s army.   David’s father sent David to take some food to his brothers on the battle field; however, when David arrived and heard the challenge that the top solider of the Philistine army was making against Israel; he decided that he could kill this giant of a solider.  Everyone thought that David was being very irrational by declaring that he could kill this giant of a man.  When King Saul heard what David was saying he sent for him.  David arrived and told King Saul not to be afraid of this Philistine that he would fight with him.  King Saul was amazed and reminds David that he is no solider, but that the giant has been one for a long time.  David assures King Saul that based on his past experiences of killing a lion and bear he was able to defeat this giant of a Philistine.  King Saul allowed David to fight.  David killed the giant and chopped off his head (I Samuel 17).

Because of his past experiences, David was able to build upon them to assure his heart that the presence of God would be with him to defeat the enemy of Israel.  Reflecting on what God has done in your life assures your heart that His presence is working in your life. 
Prayer—Today, Lord, I reflect and remember when you have helped in my past experiences, and I am assured that you will be with me throughout all of time, in Jesus Name. Amen.