“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is says to the churches.” – Revelations 2:29
Imagine God speaking to you as suddenly as He did the Samaritan woman at the well as recorded in John 4: 6 – 30.  Here we find a woman going about her daily routine of drawing water from a well when she encounters a man that destroys her routine, and changes her whole life.

Jesus came and crossed the barriers of cultural and religious prejudices that separated her from hearing the truth.  The destiny of this woman, along with the destinies of other men and women of her community, were changed when God revealed the Messiah to them during an ordinary daily routine of drawing water.

God willingly enters into our daily lives and relates to us as we go about our normal activities.  God relates to us in all things, whether it is washing the dishes, working at our jobs, caring for our children or other family members, going to the market, driving our vehicles, or farming our land, or whatever it might be.  He is the God who sent His Son Jesus to live with us and to share in our lives.     
Prayer—Lord thank you for entering into my daily life, open my heart and ears so that I can see and hear you clearly and distinctly, in Jesus Name, I pray.  Amen.