“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary
edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers…Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you…” – Ephesians 4:29, 30

My husband and I were eating at a restaurant when the conversation at a table near us became louder and louder.  We couldn’t help but notice that the conversation was filled with profanity.  These kinds of words are no longer a part of our vocabulary, so it was with difficulty that we were able to finish our meal, and listen to this vulgarity.  However, through this incident we began to become aware that the culture in which we live is beginning to become more and more accepting of profanity, and now I have heard that a reality television program is being developed for the expressed purpose of using profanity and vulgar language. 

            The moment that I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior I was instantly
            delivered from the use of drugs and alcohol, and I felt clean.  Not long after I accepted
            Christ, the Holy Spirit began to teach me through the Scriptures that using profanity was
not the way that God spoke, and that when I spoke like this my words were not edifying.  I wrote down II Corinthians 10:3 -5 on an index card, and every time I would use a curse
            word I would speak out loud these scriptures three times.  I wore out 3 index cards with
            these scriptures before my vocabulary began to change, and I was able to practice self-
            control.   The Holy Spirit taught me that God wants the opening of my lips to be for right
            things that will bring Him glory, and that He swearing is not His one of His
            characteristics.  Also, He taught me that He would help me to learn what He consider His
            right things—His standard.
            Prayer—Father, I ask that your Holy Spirit, my Helper, help me speak right, wholesome
            words, so that whatever I say will glorify your name, in Jesus Name.  Amen.