“Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits.”—1 Corinthians 15:33
It is an old saying, but a true one: First, you make your habits, and then your habits make you.  Some habits will inevitably bring you closer to God; other habits will lead you away from the path He has chosen for you.  If you sincerely desire to improve your spiritual health, you must honestly examine the habits that make up the fabric of your day.  And you must abandon those habits that are displeasing to God.  For instance, do you have a habit of watching or reading things on television or over the internet that you know are not wholesome, clean, or pure?  Do the people you are around tell coarse jokes and use foul language?  Are you cultivating a healthy spiritual atmosphere that will produce life, joy, power and peace in your life?  Or is the opposite occurring? 
If you trust God, and if you keep asking for His help, He can transform your life.  If you sincerely ask Him to help you, the same God who crated the universe will help you defeat the harmful habits and evil company that have here-to-fore defeated you.  So, if at first you do not succeed—keep praying and trying.  God is listening, and He is ready to help you become a better person. 
Prayer is a habit, worship is a habit, tithing and giving alms is a habit, kindness is a habit.  These are all pleasing to God.  Ask Him today to help you develop habits that are pleasing in His sight.
Prayer—Father I ask you to do a spiritual check-up of my habits.  Holy Spirit I ask you to reveal any bad habits in my life and evil company.  I repent of these things that You show me and now Lord help me to develop the habits that are pleasing in your sight, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.