“Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days.”—Proverbs 19:20
There are times that you will hear God speaking to you through your spiritual leaders and fellow believers at your local church.  In the mobile communication of the world today, it is easy to dismiss your local church as a place to hear God speaking to you.  For many people, the local church is a place to serve God; but, they get so busy serving God that they forget that this is the one of the places where God has chosen for them to hear His voice. 
At the flick of the wrist, you can go from source-to-source searching for a “fresh” word from God, or, in many countries of the world, you can search out the next “big” conference, the next speaker, etc., as a way to hear God.  However, God has placed in the church, in our field, spiritual leaders (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) to glean from.  They equip and edify the body of Christ.    
The book of Ruth demonstrates to us how an ordinary person heard God through the instructions of her family member.  Ruth was instructed by her mother-in-law to glean in a field that belonged to a fellow member of their family, Boaz.  Ruth’s obedience to glean in her family member’s field brought deliverance to her situation and established the royal bloodline through which Jesus was born.
Prayer—Lord, today I purpose in my heart to hear You speaking to me from those You have placed in my life.  Help me not be so busy serving that I forget to hear and follow Your instructions to me, in Jesus Name.  Amen.