“Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, And He brings them out of their distresses.”—Psalm 107:28
Many times in our lives we face situations that are difficult at best, while others can seem down right overwhelming.  A family that we know recently faced a situation that had all the ear marks of destroying their lives if it had not been for God’s miraculous intervention. 
Tragically the young wife and mother went in for her yearly physically exam when the doctor discovered a small lump behind her ear.  Although the doctor thought that the small lump was probably just a small cyst he convinced the young woman that a biopsy was needed.  When the biopsy report came back, to the surprise of the doctor it was a malignant tumor.
The lives of this young family were filled with turmoil, fear and uncertainty until the day that God spoke to the woman’s heart to read the Psalms.  She told me that she had a sense while reading these precious scriptures of peace coming to her.  Finally one day, she noticed that she was not fearful anymore and that she actually looked forward to reading each day.  It wasn’t long after this that a particular Psalm seemed to “jump off” the page to her.  The more that she read and reread Psalm 107:28 the more convinced she became that if she would tell God what was troubling her that He would hear her and remove what was distressing in her life.  The day came that she told the Lord, “This tumor is a trouble to me Lord, and You said if I would cry out to You about it that You would bring me out of all my distresses.  Lord, this is causing me and my family grief and anxiety thank You for bringing me out, in Jesus name, amen.”  For the next several days as she continued to read the Psalms and in particular Psalm 107, she would thank the Lord for bringing her out of distress.  One morning she woke up and the pressure in her head was gone.  She noticed that she did not have a headache, and while she brushed her hair she noticed that the lump was completely gone. 
She immediately made an appointment with her doctor and after more tests he confirmed that the tumor was completely gone and that a miracle had occurred. 
Let’s be encouraged that when we cry out to the Lord He will bring us out of all those things that are causing us to experience grief and anxiety. 
Prayer—Heavenly Father this ____________________is a problem to me.  I ask for your help and deliverance today.  You promised in Your Word that when I cry out in my trouble to You that You will bring me out of all my distress.  I ask for Your help today, in Jesus Name.  Amen.