“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”—Philippians 4:13
When I was a teenager, I went to a traveling carnival that advertised, among many other things, a man who was over seven feet tall and could lift over 400 lbs.   I will never forget how big this man was.  It was quite an experience to see him.
Goliath was a giant that was twice as tall as David (I Samuel 17).  David probably weighted no more than the coat of mail that Goliath wore, but he was bigger on the inside than Goliath was on the outside.  We too, often evaluate things only in physical terms.  Physically, Goliath was a giant; but in trusting God, he was a dwarf.  David was the giant in faith, and that was what won the battle.  Anyone who is strong in faith believes that God is a giant in the spiritual realm, and able to do great exploits. 
We overestimate and over-emphasize the problems that confront us because we forget who we are in Jesus Christ.  David was God’s anointed king, but Jesus is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lord’s because He slew the greatest giant mankind has ever faced: sin.  Everyone born of God is a spiritual giant with power and authority far greater than anything we encounter from the enemy, the world, or our flesh, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (I John 5:4).
Ask God to open your eyes to who you are in the spirit.  You will find that you are a giant who will no longer be intimidated by dwarfs that the enemy has posed as giants!  The truth is that you are anointed and powerful as David and even more today because you have the Holy Spirit living inside you.
Prayer—Father I thank You that the greater one dwells in me and no longer will I be intimidated by “dwarfs.”  I speak to my mountain and command it to come down in the authority and Name of Jesus.  I know to whom I belong and I refuse to give place to the devil any longer, in Jesus Name. Amen.