“For you have been born again not
of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and
enduring word of God.”—1 Peter 1:23
Today, the Holy Spirit has directed
me to write to you about the “enduring
Word of God.” The word “endure” means to last, survive over a
period of time, and continue. In
Genesis chapter 1, we discover how God created the heavens, the earth, and
everything in the earth, under the earth, and above the earth—He spoke it into
existence. Luke chapter 1 tells us about
Jesus’ conception. The way He was born
of a virgin was the same way that God created the universe. God said that it will be done and it was done. It is not impossible for God to perform His
every declaration. Mary, Jesus’ mother,
asked the angel, “How” it could be
possible for her a virgin to conceive a child when she never had a sexual union
with a man? She did not doubt, but only
asked, “How.” After she heard, “How,” she simply replied, “…be
it done unto me according to thy word…” She
agreed with the Word, establishing that fact upon the earth, and it came into
Today’s text, “For you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but
imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God” (1 Peter
1:23), shows us how we become
born again. The “re-birth” of our human
spirit takes place because the Word of God lodged in our spirit. It then caused us to act upon the Word, and
we are born again. At that moment, we
become “born again” a brand new creation—the righteousness of God. We heard the Word, it became planted into our
spirit which caused us to become a new creation, because the Word of God
declared it and no Word of His returns void.
Today, many people are facing situations that seem hopeless;
but I want to encourage you—just speak the Word of God. His Word is with Power, it will not return to
you void, it will accomplish what it is sent forth to do it will succeed, “So will My word be which goes forth from My
mouth; it will not return to Me empty, and without accomplishing what I desire,
and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11 NAS). God’s Word has enduring power. It will survive, it will continue, it will
succeed. For those whose children who
have gone astray, remember the Word is not corruptible. Begin to speak those positive Words over your
children; such as, my child (children) will not be given to another land, my
children are the righteousness of God, etc.
Whatever your situation, begin to call those things that are not as
though they are. Say to the mountain, “Be removed and be cast into the sea.”
I thank You that Your Word is incorruptible and that it lives within me and
that it is enduring. Lord, I lift up my
mountain of ___________________and I call it removed and cast into the sea, in
Jesus Name. Amen.