/It is possible for people to feel sorry and confess sin but change nothing. Repentance can be described as having a deep and genuine feeling of guilt or remorse and being determined not to commit the same sin in the future. Repentance (also known as contrition) means taking responsibility for sin and committing to change a wrong action or attitude; this is essential for spiritual growth. True confession—agreeing with God’s perspective about our transgression—goes hand-in-hand with repentance, because if we know God hates what we are doing, then we will make every effort to stop.
By means of confession and repentance, the believer accepts responsibility for ridding her or his life of a sin through the Holy Spirit’s power. Simply because a believer knows that Jesus is ready to forgive does not give the believer the right to keep on sinning and treat out relationship with the Lord casually. We must do more than superficially saying, “Hey God it is me I have messed up again—I am sorry.” Although Satan may keep tempting us, to triumph over habitual sin, we must choose to resist temptation and obey God. I can testify that sincerity, perseverance, humility and a willingness to confess and repent gives us victory.
Remember that repentance is not just feeling sorry or claiming weakness in the face of temptation, but it is a condition wherein our spirit understands the Lord’s grief over sin, grieves with Him, and commits to changing our behavior to please Him.