“So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.”—Hebrews 3:19
In this scripture, the writer of Hebrews is reflecting on the deliverance of the children of Israel from bondage.  The Lord had brought the people out with great miracles, but then they were unwilling to step into the Promised Land because they were afraid and they doubted God’s promise.  They did not believe that God had promised to give them the land.  They allowed circumstances to dominate there conclusions on the matter rather than God’s word.  They were not resolved.  So it is in that context that we are delving into the thought in Hebrews 3:19.
Notice that the only reason they could not enter into the promise was because of unbelief.  It was not the armies of Canaan that prevented them from entering.  It was not the waters of the Jordan River that prevented them from entering, it was nothing tangible.  It was only their doubt.
Dr. Ladonna Osborn had this to say about doubt: “Doubt is a cruel thief that steals from you all of the promises of God that He has given to you so that you can receive His provision.”  What God says is truth in spite of all circumstances, but it requires faith for us to align our attitudes with the Word of God.   Faith is what abolishes doubt.  You cannot live in faith and doubt at the same time. 
I am encouraging you today to resist doubt.  When you are having doubtful thoughts, or feeling anxiety over what might happen you are giving your attention over to the negative circumstances.  Resist those things.  Hold fast by faith to the promises of God.  He has promised to deliver you, to provide for you, to be your protector, to be your defender, your wisdom, your righteousness for you.  He is the one who has promised:  to never leave you, to never forsake you, to never withdraw His Spirit from you, to offer you this great salvation, to be the voice that says this is the way to walk in. 
You have these abundant promises.  Doubt will come in a little subtle cancerous ways to steal from you everything of God purpose in your heart not to let this happen.  Through this devotion understand that we are putting up a guard against the doubt that the enemy will bring.  And you are being called to the challenge of faith to live today in absolute confidence in God. 
Prayer—Father I thank You that when the enemy comes to assail me with doubt that I can stand firm in faith believing Your promises because You are trustworthy, and that my faith in You will never fail, in Jesus Name. Amen.