“And God is able to make
all grace abound toward you, that you always having all sufficiency in all things,
may have abundance for every good work.”—2 Corinthians 9:8
Feeling safe is one of our basic
human needs. Many people think they are
financially secure until something comes along in the economy or in their
personal circumstances. Then the reality
that they are vulnerable hits home. Contrary
to what the world says, financial security is found not in a bank account or a
retirement fund but in a relationship with the One who owns everything in
heaven and on earth.
The Lord is not too busy running
the universe to be concerned about your financial situation. The truth is He
cares about every detail of your life, including your need for economic
security. By heeding His directions
about how to acquire and use money, you can experience peace, contentment, and
When it comes to finances, three
basic truths should govern our thinking:
1. God owns it all.
2. We are managers of His possessions.
3. We are responsible and will
one day give an account to Him about the way we used His resources.
Some years ago, my husband
worked for my father on a farm. One day
while he was reading the Bible, Psalm 50:10 seemed to be burned into his heart,
“For every beast of the forest is Mine,
and the cattle on a thousand hills.” However,
instead of cattle on 1,000 hills his
mind saw 1000 head of cattle on a
My husband felt impressed in his heart that God wanted him to buy a
1000 head of cattle. He talked to my dad
about renting pasture from him to feed the cattle and then telephoned our
banker. The banker authorized him to buy
the cattle without any collateral. The
late Rev. Billy Joe Daugherty often said, “Where
God guides He provides.”
True financial security comes
only when we use God’s money His way for His purposes. He alone knows the future and has the power to
provide for our needs, whereas any personal financial strategies are backed
only by human effort and wisdom.
Trusting in the Lord’s provision
and obeying His instructions will fill you with confidence when others are
gripped with fear and uncertainty. Rest
in the knowledge that He provides for His children, “I have been young,
and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants
begging bread” (Psalm 37:25).
Prayer—Father I thank You that my
financial security does not solely rest upon my own human efforts, but I trust
You for Your provision in my life.
Today, I turn my eyes upon You, I repent for looking to man-made gains
in my life and with Your help I will trust in You, in Jesus Name. Amen.