“I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”—Psalm 16:8
Reading this Psalm we can see that David was confident that the Lord was always at his right hand.  David’s psalms reveal that in surveying his life, he saw God’s fingerprints all over it.  Like David, we must train our spiritual eyes to notice the evidence of our heavenly Father’s presence. 
Seeing with spiritual eyes is not an ever-once-in-awhile thing—it is a lifestyle.  Just like a runner training to run a marathon, you cannot run once-a-week or once-a-month and expect to be in shape to run.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8-emphasis added).  Those who walk before the Lord with a clear conscience will take captive unholy thoughts, habits, attitudes, and words.  They cast out sin and live in righteousness, and as a result, such believers have a spiritual clarity that sharpens their awareness of God’s presence and involvement in their lives. 
Here are some ways to train your eyes to see God:
Thank Him even in the small things.  For a place to lay down your head to sleep; for the air you breathe, for the food you have, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Keep your eyes focused on Him.  When we watch others, or television, or the internet, or face book, etc. more than we do Him, we are training are eyes to see in the natural; not in the spiritual.

Daily Read the Word of God.  Reading the Word of God keeps your eyes on how God sees.

Pray that your spiritual eyes would be open so that, “the eyes of your understanding [will be] enlightened…” (Ephesians 1:18).

Develop a habit of recalling the events of your day before falling asleep.  Try to recall the events of your day looking for the evidence of God at work in your life.  See How He guided you in your decisions.  How did He answer your question?  How did He protect you in situations?  How did He help you in relationships?

The evidence of God’s great power is all over your life, if only you will see it.  Viewing the world with open spiritual eyes changes your perspective.  Instead of saying, “I can not, say, I can because the Lord always gives me the ability.” 

Prayer—Father I thank You for my spiritual eyes.  I ask You to help me train my spiritual eyes to see the reality that You want me to see, in Jesus Name. Amen.