“Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, for in You do I trust.”—Psalm 143:8
What is the first thing that you think about when you wake up?  Do you instantly think about all that you must accomplish in the day ahead, or are your thoughts focused on the Lord?  Although most of us of us have busy lives that consume much of our time and attention, the most important and time-saving part of each day is that time spent in quiet solitude with our heavenly Father. 
Yet many believers feel so rushed that they do not think that there is time for the Lord.  They immediately jump up in the morning and rush around with whatever that they deem necessary, and then wonder why they are so frustrated, confused, and dissatisfied.  Even if there desire is to follow God, they do not know where He is going since they have not stopped to get directions for the day.  They also feel like they are not connected to the Lord because they have ignored their relationship with Him.  No one can have intimacy with Christ without daily communication.    
 If you are like a lot of people who are busy with church commitments, work, and family, you wonder if it is wrong for you to pray “on the go?”   It is always good to pray no matter how busy our schedule is; in fact, we are admonished to, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).    But we also need to set aside time specifically for prayer, when we can spend that alone time, for intimacy with God.  Spending time exclusively with the Father allow us, His children, to enjoy being in His presence.  When we take the time to seek Christ’s direction and wisdom for the day, we will accomplish more, make wiser decisions, have increased strength and energy and be free from time-wasting anxiety.
There was no person in history who had a greater demand or who had to be more intentional with his time than Jesus.  He ministered from early in the morning until late at night healing diseases, casting out demons and teaching and preaching.  However, Jesus was never too busy for prayer.  Because it was vital, He would wake up early in the morning just to make exclusive time for the Father.  On other occasions, He would dismiss the crowds to have time in the evening for prayer, other times after a hard day’s work.  Whatever the cost, unrushed prayer was a priority.  It was His source of power, energy, and wisdom.  Prayer was the greatest use of His time, He said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner” (John 5:19).  Prayer is our greatest time- saver. 
If you have fallen away from your time with the Father or have never made the time for Him, purpose in your heart to lay aside the busyness of the day to spend time with the Father.  I must warn you; you have an enemy, his name is Satan—do not allow Satan’s distractions and interruptions deter you from persevering in prayer.  Do not deny yourself the blessing of an intimate relationship with Christ.  When you make time for Him, He will fill you with peace and joy, guide you in your decisions, grant you wisdom and empower you to obey, make you more productive, and comfort you in His love and mercy.
Prayer—Father I repent for allowing distractions in my prayer time and I ask you to help me persevere in my time with You.  Holy Spirit I ask You to enlighten my days, give me wisdom and strength as I make decisions today, empower me to obey You in all that I say and do, and may Your  Peace and Mercy comfort and cheer my heart today, in Jesus Name. Amen.