“This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”—Psalm 118:24
Have you ever thought that each day was especially made just for you?  Everyday is special.  In the beginning, when God divided the light from the darkness (the beginning of what we call days) the Scripture tells us that, “it was good” (Genesis 1:4); in fact, Genesis 1:31 states that, Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good…”  We have an enemy, his name is Satan, he is a liar; in fact, the Bible tells us that he is the father of all lies.
Our enemy, the Liar, comes to say many things to discourage our day.  He will try to steal the joy out of your day.   He will try to depress you today.  He will lie to you through some diagnosis.   He will lie to you through pain.   He will lie through other people whose words hurt you very deeply.  Today, you may be facing a situation, through your family, business, ministry or other relationships where things seem a little rough. 
In our scripture for today, Psalm 118:24, we are told that we are to rejoice in our day because the Lord has made it.  Everything God has made is good.  God does not create badness, poverty, sickness, diseases, or feelings of rejection—the hardships of life.  God does not come and stretch you to the limit and then come to you just before you break.  No, God is not like this. He is good.
This is the day that the Lord has made, so right away we know that it is a good day because God has made it, and everything that God makes is good.    He knew that you needed this day to live and God made this day just for you.  The entire universe is responding to God’s desire to make your day.    
When you believe this scripture, “This is the day [every day] that the Lord has made,” what should your response be to this day, every day, this new day that God has made for you?  Scripture tells you and me exactly what we are to do.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.   We will not be depressed—we will rejoice.  We will not be discouraged—we will rejoice.  We will not give up.  This is our response to what God has already done.  This is what you are entitled to as God’s child.  Live in response to what God has made just for you.
Respond to this day as the most important day of your entire life.
Father—thank you for making this day just for me.  Today I purpose in my heart to respond to my day with joy in my heart knowing it is You who created me and through Christ I can do all things, in Jesus Name. Amen.