“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”—Matthew 5:6

Much of the world’s nations are suffering from drought conditions, including Russia, Germany, United States, China, throughout Africa, and others.  In some countries, millions have died from starvation, and all over the world food prices are at an all time high.  The plight of world-wide hunger is a sign to the Church that man-made efforts, as great as they are, can never solve the problem without God’s intervention.   

Being spiritually hungry and thirsty is a spiritual sign to the Church that God is already at work in you.  Being hungry for the things of God is one of the best things that can happen to you.  It is actually a healthy sign.  Jesus promised that those who were hungry and thirsty would be filled. We can come to Him as often as we would like.  He is always ready and willing to fill us.  Everyone who diligently seeks Him receives a reward (Hebrews 11:6).   

Today, praise God for spiritual hunger, and then respond to that hunger you will be excited by what you experience with Him.  He will not make you hungry, and then let you starve.  He will make you hungry so that He can fill you with His wisdom and blessings and love.

Prayer—Father thank You for stirring up my hunger and thirst for You.  Father, fill me with you wisdom, understanding and blessings, in Jesus Name. Amen.