“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.”—2 Corinthians 10:4-5

For many years, when I became angry with a person, I would strike out either verbally or physically.  Although this was a spiritual battle, and had the appearance of being a learned behavior; I wanted it to change, no matter what the root cause was.  At first it was a nudging of the Holy Spirit that I should not act this way, later He directed me to a couple of scriptures that helped me to dig up the root and overcome this weakness.  “For the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God” (James 1:20), and “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are:…outbursts of wrath…” (Galatians 5:19-20). 

We must follow Jesus’ example and go to the source when there is evil spiritual powers behind the spiritual battle.  Jesus had no problem putting Satan in his place, and neither do you when you use the authority that is in the Name of Jesus.  However, some people use anger as a tool to put others in their place.  Anger against people causes us to fall into the pitfalls of the enemy.  The way to overcome the spiritual powers that come against us through people is to forgive and turn the other check (Matthew 5:39).  We are to humbly submit ourselves to God.  When you sincerely submit to God, self-righteous anger will always leave.  The rest of James 4:7 says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”  I had a spiritual battle in my life for a number of months as I resisted the enemy when my flesh would rile up.  I did not merely train a spirit of anger to calm down using anger management tools, but I had to deal spiritually with a spiritual problem that produced spiritual results.

Some people believe that the higher echelon demonic spirits take more power to rebuke or remove; this is not true.  There is no demonic power, including the devil himself that will not flee when the name of Jesus is spoken in faith.   
 You will never be able to win a spiritual battle with carnal weapons.  You must realize who your real enemy is, and fight the spiritual battle with the spiritual weapons that the Lord has given to you.  When you do, you will win every time.
Prayer—Father I submit myself to you and the authority of Your Spirit and Your Word, and thus I know that I will win every spiritual battle in my life, in Jesus Name. Amen.