“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”—Matthew 5:8

The covenant of circumcision was given to Abram in Genesis 17:9-14.  God said that any man who did not carry this sign of the covenant in his flesh was to be cut off from his people.  This placed a great importance on the act of circumcision.  Paul wrote in Romans 4:3-13 that Abraham had already been justified by faith before he was circumcised.  Abram’s faith in God and His promise saved him, at least thirteen years, before He commanded Abram to be circumcised.

Down through the centuries, the Jews turned their focus to the outward act of circumcision instead of the inward act of faith as the reason for salvation.  This was a source of contention between Jesus and the religious leaders.  They emphasized all the outward acts the Lord had commanded and were totally disregarding the condition of their hearts.  Jesus said that if an individual would cleanse their heart, their actions would inevitably change too.
The condition of a person’s flesh is not the important thing. It does not matter if that flesh is circumcised or not.  It is the condition of the heart that matters to God, whether you are a male or female.  Today many people do not have an issue with being circumcised; however, they do have differences of water baptism, church membership, and other outward acts that some preach are necessary for salvation.

Your faith in the love of God, as expressed through Jesus on the Cross and in His resurrection is the only thing that God demands for your justification.  Religious rites mean nothing when it comes to salvation.  You can rejoice today that the only thing that counts with God is your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and your relationship with Him. 

Today purify your heart of any contaminant that would emphasize outward acts as a means of pleasing God.  A spirit of legalism will always focus on outward acts instead of the condition of the heart. 
Prayer—Father I ask you to shine the flood light of your Word on anything that is of legalism.  I repent of those things that are an outward sign of anything that is not pleasing to You, in Jesus Name. Amen.