“But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’”—Matthew 19:14

I have known of couples who have given birth to children that the doctor’s have said was a medical impossibility.  But because the parents believed the promises of God, they were able to conceive and bear their child.  In Hebrews chapter 11, we read account after account of children who were children of promise.  Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah when they were older.  Twins, Jacob and Esau, along with Joseph’s children were also called children of promise.  Moses, the promised deliverer, was a child of promise.   

As you read this today, I encourage you to think about the promise that God has given you concerning your child/children.   Perhaps you have a promise concerning a children’s ministry, or your children or grandchildren.  Whether your children are your own or spiritual children, God’s promises are still relevant for them today. 

We as adults are admonished by scripture to bring our children up in the fear and reverence of the Lord.  We are instructed to teach our children not to be feel intimidated when coming into the presence of the Lord; but on the other hand, He desires an intimate relationship with them, not a casual one. 

We must stand guard over our children with the Word of God and by the example of our lives.  Children are always watching and they mimic what they see.  Let your life be a reflection of hope and joy for the young lives around you today. 
Prayer—Father I thank you for the promises that You have made in Your Word concerning Your children.  May they enjoy the fruits of your righteousness as they follow the examples of goodness and joy, in Jesus Name.  Amen.