“Then He said, ‘Behold; I have come to do Your will, O God…”—Hebrews 10:9
Webster’s Dictionary defines the word valid as having legal force properly executed and binding under the law, and the word validation as making or declaring valid.  Also, when the word validate is used, it means to make binding under the law, to give legal force to, and to declare legally valid. 

By studying the Scriptures, you will discover that every time Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness; Jesus would always respond with the Word of God.  Satan tempted Jesus by wanting Him to turn the stones into bread; however, Jesus responded, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”  Next, Satan wanted Jesus to throw Himself off of the pinnacle of the temple; again, Jesus responded, “It is written again, You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”  Then the Devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and told Jesus that if He would worship him that he would give it all to Jesus.  Jesus said to him, “Away with you Satan! For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve” (Matthew 4:1-11).   When Jesus spoke God’s words, He validated that He was the Son of God, and the enemy had to obey Him.  By speaking God’s Word, you are actually declaring your legal position as a child of God, and the enemy must be obedient to the Word of God.  Satan is a legalist and tries to twist God’s Word and cause people to doubt what God has said.  Satan preys on human emotions especially in times of stress.  He relentlessly is at work to destroy faith in God which ultimately will cause people to abandon faith in others, and then renounce faith in themselves.  There is a way to combat the enemy of faith, and that is through the spoken word.  Follow Jesus’ example by submitting yourself to God, resisting Satan, and speaking the Word.  “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

The Bible has much to say about the words that we speak.  Jesus taught that, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37).  Never give in to the religious pessimism of defeat, and to accept inadequacy, as being the will of God. 

The Holy Spirit spoke these words to me:  Validation is a victory statement of your belief in the finished work of Christ.  What a powerful statement this is.  Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth would speak.  Therefore when we speak the Word of God we are making a legally valid statement in the spiritual realm and the enemy has to obey when it is spoken in faith.

 Kimberly Daniels wrote in her book Delivered to Destiny, that while serving in the military during Operation Desert Storm, she had led a man, Corporal Day, to the Lord.  Soon after his conversion, he was made a driver for her.  He was very on fire for God, and asked Kimberly if she would pray for him not to be deployed.  She agreed, and explained to him that God honors childlike faith and if they would agree together with the right motives, He would answer their prayer.  One week later, a letter was published throughout the company with the list of personnel who would not be deployed.  Corporal Day’s name was on the list.  From that time on Corporal Day’s walk with the Lord began to slacken.  Kimberly stated, “It seemed that once he received what he wanted from God, he was content to lay back in apathy.”  He was warned to pray in the Spirit and to give God the glory in his life, but Corporal Day responded with indifference and had a complacent attitude.  Kimberly was ordered to her commander’s office, and as she approached the office, Corporal Day passed by, cursing God.  He looked in her face and said that he knew the Christian life was all a lie.  Although Kimberly learned that day she too had received orders to deploy, and that it seemed like the hordes of hell were coming against the promise that God had given to her many months before.  He had spoken to her heart that it was not His will for her to be deployed; she still had to stand on what she knew.  Kimberly wrote that she did not know what she knows now; but, what she knew was enough: she was not deployed.  

This is why it is so important to study and mediate upon the Word of God, and that we have a valid relationship with the Father.
Prayer—Father I repent of the times that I have been complacent in my attitude towards You and Your Word. Today I purpose in my heart to give Your Word first place, and I  thank you that speaking your Word validates my position in Christ Jesus, in Jesus Name. Amen.