“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty
wind…and when this sound occurred the multitude came together…because everyone
heard them speak in his own language.”—Acts 2:2,6
The Day of Pentecost is celebrated
throughout the Christian world, as the day that God the Father fulfilled His
Promise, of sending the gift of the Holy Spirit. When taking to many Christians, I have
discovered that most lack an understanding of the importance of the Day of
Pentecost and their relationship with the God the Father, and view the day as
something marked on a calendar. However,
the Day of Pentecost was so special to Jesus He commanded His followers to wait
for the fulfillment of it. When the Day
came, it turned a whole city upside down.
Approximately 120 people were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began
to speak in other tongues. They were
speaking in a language not known to them; however, a great multitude from
different nations heard them speaking in their own native language. The people in the city were amazed, and some
thought that they were drunk.
The sound that the Apostle Peter released before the Day of
Pentecost was one of denial, betrayal,
condemnation and regret; however, after the Day of Pentecost the sound changed to one of affirmation, power and persuasion as he
preached the Good News and 3,000 people accepted the message of Christ (Read
Acts 2). The sound of Pentecost causes blind eyes to see, restores limbs, brings
the dead back to life, the deaf to hear, relationships mended, needs met,
forgiveness given and received, diverse miracles to occur, and salvation to be
The wind of the Holy Spirit that was
given on the Day of Pentecost is still being heard, felt and seen all over the
world wherever the message of the gospel is preached. Dr. LaDonna Osborn testified that in a recent
crusade a wind began to blow, and as it reached the mass of people they began
to experience miracles. An explosion of
miracles occurred when the wind blew upon the people. I experienced a similar thing in Cuba one
time. I ministered in a house that was
so full of people there was not room for anyone to sit down. As I was preaching, the wind of the Holy
Spirit began to blow. The people were
blown forward until there hands and arms were dangling to the floor, and then
the wind blew them backwards so that their heads touched the floor. When the Spirit blew them to an upright
position, miracles occurred. Blind eyes
were healed, deaf ears were opened, joint pain disappeared, and those who could
not walk or lift their limbs were completely healed. A man with a much curved spine was completely
healed. Many people professed Christ that night.
Allow the Holy Spirit to revive the
flames of Pentecost in you today. Let
Him blow anything in your life that is holding you back from moving forward
away, and ignite a new sound of Heaven in you.
I repent of any old ideology that has held my back from moving forward. Today, I ask you to ignite a new sound of
Heaven in me, in Jesus Name. Amen.