“…as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart.”—II Corinthians 4:1
Blind Bartimaeus was setting by the road side begging when he heard that Jesus was among the great multitude of people who was passing his way.  He had heard about the miracles and the healings that had taken place through Jesus’ ministry; consequently, he began to cry out for Jesus to have mercy upon him.  It did not matter that people warned him to settle down and be quite; he cried out louder.  Jesus stopped and called for Blind Bartimaeus to be brought to Him.  When Blind Bartimaeus was told that Jesus wanted him to come to where He was standing, he did something extraordinary-he threw aside his garment.  The garment that Blind Bartimaeus threw aside gave him the legal right to beg.  By throwing aside his garment, Blind Bartimaeus signaled to himself and all those people that he would never again have a need for a legal right to beg.  He arose in faith and confidence in God’s mercy.  He was signifying that God’s mercy, His kindness, would be enough for him.  He was not disappointed.  Jesus asked him what he wanted.  Without any hesitation, Blind Bartimaeus replied, “that I may receive my sight.”  Jesus said, “Go your way, your faith has made you well.”  Immediately Bartimaeus received his sight, and became a follower of Jesus (Mark 10: 48-52).   
Charles Finney said in one of his sermons that, “mercy ask that justice be set aside.”   It is through the shed blood of Christ that we receive mercy instead of the deserving justice.  When we cry out for God’s mercy in our lives, we are asking for His kindness that goes beyond what might be expected or demanded by fairness. The mercy of God endures forever and His compassion does not fail.  Learn from the experience of Blind Bartimaeus and cry out to the Lord in faith for what you need; likewise, you will not be disappointed you will receive your petition.
Prayer—Lord I ask you for mercy in my life today.  I ask you to fill every area of my life that has been delinquent of your mercy.  I receive by faith and count it as done, in Jesus Name. Amen.