“The Lord has heard my supplication; The Lord will receive my prayer”—Psalm 6:9
There are times when we most need to pray that we feel the least capable of praying.  It can be difficult to pray confidently when our heart is heavy with grief.  Answered prayer is not based on how much, or how well, or how complete our prayer is, but on the goodness of Him who hears.  The times that we feel that our prayers are based “in the valley of the shadow of death” do not limit that the Good Shepherd is with us, and hears us when we pray. 
David wrote in Psalm 6: 1 - 7 of the difficult period that he was going through.  He spoke to God about the sickness in his body, the trouble in his mind because of his sin consciousness, the insults of his enemies, and because of all the crying he had done, he complained about his eyes hurting.  He begged God to save him.   
The times in our lives that we are sick in our bodies, confused in our minds, and our enemies raise up against us, are the times that we are to be like David.  David remembered that he was not related to the wicked (he threw aside his sin consciousness) and that the enemy had to leave (verse 8).  We are promised that when we submit to God and resist the devil he will flee from us (James 4:7).  Like David with confidence and assurance, we declare that the Lord will receive our prayer (verse 9).  We remember that our prayers are not based on what we have done or not done, but on what Christ has done.  We ask according to His will and are assured that He hears (receives) and answers our prayers.
Prayer—Lord help me to remember that when I go through the difficulties of life, no matter how I feel, I am assured that you hear and receive my prayers, in Jesus Name. Amen.