“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”—Romans 12:2

Blind Bartimaeus is a good example of a person who transformed his life by hearing.  Bartimaeus was a beggar by profession who sat by the road begging for assistance.   However, when he heard about Jesus he was spurred into action.  He heard how people were healed, delivered and made whole whenever Jesus was in town.  How excited he must have felt to know that Jesus was coming down the very road where he sat.  He wanted his life to be different, so before he was taken to Jesus he threw aside his identity as a beggar that is his garment that identified him as a beggar, and came to Jesus.  Jesus asked him what he wanted, and Bartimaeus responded, his sight.  Jesus told him that his faith had made him well and Bartimaeus’s sight was instantly healed (Mark 10:46 -52). 

Paul wrote in Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  When Bartimaeus heard about Jesus the healer he received faith so that he could be healed.  Because faith came to Bartimaeus by hearing about Jesus and His ministry, he was able to throw aside old ideas, prejudices and wrong thinking so that his life was transformed.

Transform your life by spending time with the Lord every day, and allowing your faith to grow.  Give time to hearing Him speak to you through the Scriptures, and through meditating on the scriptures.  Allow your thoughts to be transformed into His thoughts so that the image that is seen in the Word of God is reflected in you.
Prayer— As I renew my mind in you, thank you Lord for transforming me by hearing you in your Word so that I am transformed into your image and likeness, in Jesus Name. Amen.