“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted
      in the earth!”—Psalm 46:10

Our world is full noise.  I read an article that expressed information on how noise pollution was becoming one of the leading pollutants in our lives, but that most people did not think that they were adversely affected by sound.  Church services are being interrupted by cell phone calls, and people texting.  Not long ago, an orchestra conductor stopped a performance because of a ringing phone.  People are use to noise: not silence.

Noise is something that we have become use to and accustomed to in our lives, and when there is silence, we become uneasy.  Silence can be particularly noticeable if it is the silence of God in our lives.  It can become easy to blame God during this time, or to become confused and to start doubting.   However, it is possible that because we have become so use to being surrounded by sound, and innumerable distractions that we are not hearing.  God is speaking to us, but we must ask ourselves the question have we allowed our minds to become so in tune to our natural surroundings, and the busyness of our lives that we are not creating an environment to hear?  Are we reading our Bible daily or spending time in quietness and prayer?  It is in these times that we can hear that still small voice of our Father God.  Elijah went to a mountain because the Lord was about to pass by.  Elijah did not hear God in a powerful wind, or an earthquake, or a fire; but, in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12).

            I heard a story one time of a man who lost his valuable watch in an ice house.  He and his
            fellow workers diligently searched the ice house looking for the watch, but to no avail. 
            A young boy heard about the lost watch, so he went into the ice house and soon came out
            with the watch.  Everyone was very excited about the found watch, and asked the boy
            how he had found the watch.
            He replied, “I went into the ice house and shut the door, and then I laid down on the floor 
           and began quietly listening until I heard the ticking of the watch.”
            Are you giving yourself an opportunity to listen for that still small voice of God?
            Prayer—Lord, thank you that you are always speaking to me, and with your help I will      
           develop myself to hear you even in the quite times, in Jesus Name. Amen.