The Shadow's Defeat
The Shadow's Defeat
Lucy Red Feather has a secret and has made a promise, to herself, not to tell anyone. Billy Bull Frog’s intimidation and threats help to fuel Lucy’s decision. However, Lucy soon faces a new problem. She must make friends with a new student, Joseph Standing Tall. Because of their new friendship, unexpected consequences happen to Lucy and Joseph. As time goes on, impending doom haunts Lucy. The constant pressure of the Shadow’s threats and intimidation pushes her closer and closer to giving into its demands. Lucy doesn’t know if her new friendship with Joseph will be enough to save her, or if she will give in to the pressure, and become another statistic.
Format: Paperback; Number of pages 30; Dimensions: 5.5 X 8.5 inches;
Vendor: A NEW DAY MINISTRY; Date: 2015
ISBN: 978-1-4951-7715-6